Thea Riofrancos

Thea Riofrancos is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Providence College and the author of Resource Radicals ( Her writing has appeared in the Guardian, n+1, Jacobin, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Dissent, and In These Times. She serves on the steering committee of DSA’s Ecosocialist Working Group. She is the co-author ofA Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal. (
A Globally Just Green New Deal
The Green New Deal is usually conceived of in domestic terms. But climate crisis and capitalism are planetary conditions; our policy frameworks must also orient to the global even as they seek to inaugurate domestic energy transitions. Otherwise, policies to decarbonize the economy risk reproducing the inequities and injustices of our current world order. How can we ensure that a Green New Deal in the US promotes social and environmental justice beyond US borders? I will focus on the supply chains of green technologies such as lithium batteries and electric vehicles to discuss the possibilities for fair, green trade and transnational solidarity in sectors that are essential to implementing the GND.
Alle Sprecher
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- Professor J. Stephen Lansing
- Mathew Lawrence
- Prof. Jason Edward Lewis
- Roman Lipski
- Dr. Sebastian Meier
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- Dave Murray-Rust
- Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Jivka Ovtcharova
- Gülsel Özkan
- Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Parodi
- Ludger Pfanz
- Thea Riofrancos
- Dr. Matthias Röder
- Seda Röder
- Prof. David Rolnick
- Prof. Rasa Smite
- Dr. Christoph Schneider
- Dr. Markus Schmidt
- Kathleen Schröter
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- Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-Eibl
- Wang Zhigang PH.D
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